Monday, February 27, 2017

Lotus Sutra

London, 27 Feb 2017 [21.31]

I am currently reading the Lotus Sutra or Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra.
Much thank you to people who have wholeheartedly passed through this sutra, and finally translated it into English which make me now be able to read it.
I have read around 2/3 of them, can't wait to finish it! The meaning is deep and not easy to understand, but also really rejoicing when we feel the true essense.
It inspires me a lot, enlighten me with joy and knowledge. I think whoever looking for life absolute meaning and highest happiness should really really read this sutra :)

Here is the download link. It's free!!

May we all become Buddha. Nammyohorengekyo.

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