Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Second Attempt LPDP Awardee: Untuk bisa kuliah S3, tidak harus S2 terlebih dahulu, dan itu legal

London, 29 Mar 2017 [22.09]

Hai saya ingin berbagi cerita sendikit. Cerita ini sudah lama saya tulis, kira-kira satu tahun lalu saya berhasil menjadi awardee LPDP untuk studi saya sekarang. Cerita ini saya buat karena angkatan saya saat itu ingin membuat antologi kisah perjuangan para awardee. Namun apakah akhirnya antologi tersebut akhirnya dipublikasi atau tidak, saya kurang tahu karena tidak ada kabar lanjutannya. So, saya share di sini saja ya. Barangkali bisa membantu kalian yang punya kebingungan yang sama dengan dengan saya dulu.


“Hai Lilis, kamu diterima kuliah di London ya? Ambil apa? S2 ya?”
“Saya ambil S3, akan meneliti tentang bahan tulang untuk bedah mulut.”
“Lho? Belum S2 memang bisa langsung S3?!”
Itulah pertanyaan tipikal yang sangat sering saya jumpai. Dan saya ingin klarifikasi sekali lagi “YA, BISA LANGSUNG S3 (PhD) tanpa harus S2 (Master), tergantung syarat masuk universitas dan jurusan yang kita daftar.”

Sebelumnya perkenalkan, saya adalah seorang dokter gigi, lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI) angkatan 2009, menyelesaikan studi S1/SKG (Sarjana Kedokteran Gigi) pada tahun 2012, selesai profesi (drg) pada tahun 2014. Kecintaan saya terhadap riset dan bedah mendorong saya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan Dentistry Research di King’s College London.

Kembali ke contoh skenario yang saya paparkan di pembukaan, percaya atau tidak, hal tersebut HAMPIR SELALU terjadi, bahkan juga terjadi di 2x proses interview LPDP yang pernah saya jalani. Sedikit saya ceritakan tentang proses selama mengikuti seleksi LPDP.

First Attempt: Seleksi LPDP batch IV 2015
Wawancara berlangsung normal, saya ditanya tentang visi, pengalaman riset, alasan mengambil jurusan dan universitas tujuan, dll. Semua berjalan lancar, hingga di momen akhir muncullah pertanyaan itu, “Loh kamu belum S2? Kenapa langsung S3?” Saya menjelaskan bahwa itu memungkinkan. Namun, interviewer berkata bahwa LPDP tidak dapat mengakomodir karena syarat untuk memperoleh beasiswa S3 harus ada ijazah S2. Saya pun diberi saran dari para interviewer untuk pindah jurusan saja ke S2 atau jika tetap bersikukuh mau S3 berarti harus mencari beasiswa lain.
Sekejap saya menjadi lesu, saya hanya mendaftarkan diri 1 universitas dengan 1 jurusan ini saja, saya tidak mendaftar ke tempat lain dan saya sudah mantap dengan pilihan ini karena sesuai dengan visi saya ke depan, yakni menjadi dosen dan peneliti di bidang bedah mulut. Akhirnya, di hari pengumuman hasil, saya tidak lolos seleksi substantif.

Idle time
Sejak gagalnya perjuangan saya di seleksi LPDP pertama, sudah tidak terpikir lagi untuk mencoba kembali karena telah mengetahui bahwa saya tidak mungkin lolos dengan kondisi seperti ini. Saya lalu fokus mencari back-up plan, yakni mencari beasiswa lain ini dan plan B untuk mendaftar studi spesialis bedah mulut di universitas dalam negeri.
Mencari sumber beasiswa tidak mudah, berbagai informasi sudah saya kumpulkan dan hasilnya nihil. Intinya saya hampir mengalami jalan buntu untuk mengatasi kendala biaya untuk mewujudkan mimpi studi S3 tersebut.
Suatu hari, teman seperjuangan saya di seleksi LPDP batch IV 2015 lalu yang berhasil lolos, di hari PK-nya mem-post broadcast di grup angkatan FKG UI 2009 tentang kemungkinan LPDP membuka peluang beasiswa pendidikan spesialis dokter gigi. Kemudian saya mengubungi teman saya itu untuk mengkonfirmasi kebenarannya, dari sini cerita berikutnya akan berlanjut.
Setelah ngobrol tentang beasiswa spesialis, teman saya memberitahukan kabar mengejutkan lainnya, yakni ada salah satu teman PK-nya yang merupakan lulusan S1 dan mendapatkan beasiswa LPDP untuk studi S3 di Australia. Ketika ia menceritakan kasus saya, temannya kaget, karena selama wawancara tidak disinggung sama sekali perihal belum S2. Kemudian kami berkesimpulan bahwa saya kurang beruntung di seleksi yang pertama dan saya harus mencoba lagi di seleksi LPDP berikutnya.

Second Attempt: Seleksi LPDP batch I 2016
Akhirnya saya submit dokumen yang sama dengan sebelumnya, nothing to lose. Seleksi dokumen puji syukur berhasil lolos. Akhirnya masuklah ke tahap wawancara, dan pertanyaan (pertama) yang muncul adalah (lagi-lagi) “Loh kamu daftar S3 ya, S2 nya belum?” Namun bedanya kali ini saya sudah lebih siap menjawab dan beruntungnya, salah satu interviewer saya ada yang paham mengenai perbedaan sistem pendidikan di UK dan Indonesia, beliau membantu menjelaskan juga mengenai hal tersebut (sepertinya beliau pernah mengalami hal yang sama). Akhirnya perihal tersebut beres dan lanjut interview ke pembahasan mendalam tentang studi dan penelitian saya nantinya.

Hari pengumuman pun tiba, 10 Maret 2016. Tak terkira perasaan rasa senang saya ketika membaca email yang menyatakan saya LULUS seleksi substantif LPDP. Puji syukur, saya sangat berterima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan untuk melanjutkan studi ini. Semoga kelak saya dapat berkontribusi maksimal untuk memajukan dunia riset di Indonesia, khususnya bidang kedokteran gigi. Jadi, bagi teman-teman yang belum beruntung pada seleksi pertama, jangan patah semangat dan tetap berusaha. Semoga cita-cita kita bersama untuk memajukan Indonesia dapat terwujud J

Friday, March 3, 2017

Who said London is not cold?

London, 3 March 2017 [24.06]

I remember before I came here last year, many people told me London is not that cold, it does not even snow. However, it is windy and rainy they said. But I guess the later has got something to do with the former. So, is London cold?

Winter has still got more than a month to officially pass, but I am already tired of winter since last month. Let me explain why. First of all, maybe you might think mainly because of the coldness. Well, it is one of them; but really, it is actually the darkness that kills me more. Born and raised in tropical country, I used to have fairly rich of sunshine everyday, approximately 12 hours everyday all month all year, and I wasn't a big fan of it. First time experiencing the full winter at the northern hemisphere of the earth, I do learn appreciating the grace from our sun much more.
We are indeed primitive being, fully controlled by the chemistry and electricity inside our body, one of them is the circadian rhythm a.k.a. our biological clock! Over billions of years, each cells of our body has evolved so much, yet still retain its native traits to control their lives (our life as well!) by simply depending on sunlight stimulus. We know the trees and some animals will hibernate during winter and wake up again at spring. Everyday most of us go to sleep when it's dark and wake up in the morning. Problem with winter is the daylight is much less, meaning the sun rise later and set earlier! And my body really really gets affected by it. Whenever it is dark, the mood significantly goes down and you feel droopy. Plus most of the time, London weather tends to be cloudy the whole day. How desperate! One UK folk once I told him what I feel about London's weather he was just laughing. "Did you mean you feel you don't really want to live your life anymore, do you?" Haha guess he understood how it feels.

Temperature-wise, London is not that bad on the screen actually. It rarely goes down to 0 degree C or below. HOWEVER, even though sometimes (many times) it shows 5-8 degree, I feel deadly freezing! Why is that so? Is that because of the wind? One aspect yeah, but I also sometimes (actually this week mainly) I could also feel it even when I am in the house. Yesterday was just crazy, the heater was on but I could not stay without my coat, my gloves, and my duvet! Half dead, I searched what might cause this, because I was pretty sure I wasn't sick at all. Finally I found the answer. It is because of the humidity. Due to UK's geographical position, it has very humid air. Unlike in dry area like Canada, the chill feeling could be worst with humidity. Why is it so? Because water is a good temperature stabiliser. It is harder for our body to heat up or increase the temperature because with water it means more heat is needed. So, one said that 2 degree C in London could feel the same as -20 degree C in Winnipeg!

Come back to our first question: is London cold? YES, IT IS.
So whoever told you London is not cold, definitely don't trust it!

NB: Is London windy? TERRIBLY, especially nowadays. Plus it is cloudy most of the time. But is London rainy? Actually I personally say it is not really (compared to where I came from).

May the spring come faster.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Lotus Sutra

London, 27 Feb 2017 [21.31]

I am currently reading the Lotus Sutra or Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra.
Much thank you to people who have wholeheartedly passed through this sutra, and finally translated it into English which make me now be able to read it.
I have read around 2/3 of them, can't wait to finish it! The meaning is deep and not easy to understand, but also really rejoicing when we feel the true essense.
It inspires me a lot, enlighten me with joy and knowledge. I think whoever looking for life absolute meaning and highest happiness should really really read this sutra :)

Here is the download link. It's free!!

May we all become Buddha. Nammyohorengekyo.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

List of movies that can make you reconsider your reality

I fancy watching mind-twisting movies. Many of them have changed the way I see this world. If you are a complicated mind like myself, perhaps you'll enjoy them as much as I do. So here is my favorite list so far:

  1. Inception (2010)
  2. Interstellar (2014)
  3. The Matrix (1999)
  4. V for Vendetta (2006)
  5. Vanilla Sky (2001)
  6. The Source Code (2011)
  7. Lucy (2014)
  8. Primer (2004)
  9. The Thirteenth Floor (1999)
  10. The Truman Show (1998)
  11. Mr Nobody (2009)
  12. Minority Report (2002)
  13. The Prestige (2006)
  14. Limitless (2011)
  15. Revolver (2005)
  16. Groundhog Day (1993)
  17. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
  18. Shutter Island (2010)

I would update this list as time goes by. Perhaps I forgot some movies I've watched or I might just watch some more in the future.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

mind temple of a PhD student

London, 1 February 2017 [13.27]
Guys Hospital

At the moment, I am sitting at my desk, trying to write down my upgrade report. There are so much information in my brain that I gathered from the reading plus some data I got from conducted experiments. All them, juggling mumbling around in random order upside down. I need to arrange them in a structured manner, reconnect all the relationships, synthesising into ideas and logical explanation.

image source:

That is me, fighting within my own mind. I can do it.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Numb Toe

Yesterday suddenly I got this weird feeling at my right toe as if it has been frozen. It was indeed another cold day in winter, but I was in the house with my socks on! I ignored it until that didn't disappear until maybe 30 minutes at least. So I took off my sock and I was so shocked that my second right toe was pale as corpse. As reflect, I massaged it and warmed it up near the house heater. It didn't change a bit after even 10 minutes. OMG OMG I was so scared, I was afraid I would lose my toe. I also didn't know why, so I browsed the internet, hoping to find more explanation. The results I got were not too satisfying. I could not relate anything to my condition. Most of them said it was because of some tumour at the foot nerve or because of too much walking with bad shoes.

I was desperate, I already planned to contact the physiotherapist the next day, while trying to find nerve mapping of the foot and toes (maybe I was thinking to do personal accupressure). Well, out of sudden (until constant massaging and warming the foot for about 30 minutes), I saw my pale toe becoming pink again! Gosh I was so happy. Finally the numbness was gone and it became normal again. Fiuh, thanks universe.

How simple thing could ruin your life.
How we sometimes forget to appreciate little blessing we enjoy every second.

Little toe, a reminder :)

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Understanding life

London, 15 Jan 2017 [20.01]

Been embarking on research field thoroughly for this past six months has made me conceive my other passion: research and science.  I learned chemistry and physics at school but only now I could understand the true meaning of them. Grasping this sudden enlightenment has left me amazed even more towards the universe.

I am thirsty of knowledge, I am starving to know, to know the answers of all mind-boggling questions inside my head. I have loads of loads of burning life quests, and thanks to the current technology, especially internet, we are all now can easily connected, thus bring me explanations much more instantly. Thank you for tons of kindhearted people who shared much useful information freely.
One thing I can say, I guess we are now in the process of creating a larger consciousness, just as the natural law of the universe: entropy is always increasing; and as the history showed us: the universe is growing into a more complex form. MARVELOUS :)