Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To be Healthy is Simple

Hiiiiii aaallll...long time no see...!!! After such days, months, even YEARS! I've gone leaving this blog.... that I start to write again...
It is undeniable that writing needs a bound of energy to take away laziness...especially for me :P

Now then I only want to share how to build a healthy lifestyle... it is simple. Actually I wrote this also because I was assigned by my English lecturer (wow, I am a university student now =D later I'll write about that..hoho) to write an essay...hehe
so, I just think it is better if I share it here. Have some fun =)

To be Healthy is Simple
By Lilis Iskandar, 0906626824 (FKG)

“Eat this, don’t eat that! It’s not good for your health”, “I workout everyday to be healthy”, “I become a vegetarian to be healthy”. Those messages make us suggested that to be healthy is very hard. Even some of us say “I’m so busy, I’ve got no time to do such healthy lifestyle”. Don’t you know that to be healthy is actually so easy? We do not need to improve our lifestyle in such extreme ways. All we need to do is just doing a few changes in our daily habit. The three simple ways to live healthy are eat well, exercise well, and rest well.

We are what we eat. What we eat influence our body performance. We need to control what kind of food we should n should not eat. Firstly, drink plenty of water. It cleanses our system, keeps our kidneys functioning and our bowels regular, helps control our weight and keeps our skin glowing. Strive for at least eight glasses a day. Consuming a wide variety of foods ensures we get all the vitamins, minerals, protein and other ingredients we need to be healthy. Every day, eat more vegetables and fruits. They are rich of fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Then, we should consume at least two servings of milk or milk products a day; they are good sources of calcium and protein. We also need to reduce out fat consumption. Choose low fat or fat-free milk products, skin the chicken, and use margarine rather than butter. Fish is low in fat and good for our heart. Reducing the meat in a meal by adding beans is a good tip. Beans also contain protein, fibre, vital nutrients and are low in fat. In some people, too much salt can cause raised blood pressure, be very sparing with salt and salty sauces on our plate. Besides that, we have to avoid several kind of food like junk food, tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine. Junk food lacks nutrients and contains substances that are unnatural to the human body. Tobacco and caffeine are stimulants that keep us awake. So for restful sleep avoid caffeine in the evenings. The same goes for alcohol, which if consumed in large amounts at night is bound to make for disturbed sleep. Finally, chew our food well for good digestion, eat breakfast, and do not skip our lunch. Better food habits can help us reduce risk for desease, like heart attack and stroke. A healthful eating plan means choosing the right foods to eat and preparing foods in a healthy way.

As we take calories from food, we also need to burn calories through exercise. Physical activity will help us look and feel better. Our skin, hair, posture and muscle tone all will improve. We will be stronger and we will have more energy. Activity also helps us avoid depression, stress and boredom. We will be more alert mentally. Thinking more clearly can even help our grades. And, being active is fun. Exercise is one of the most powerful ways to beat stress. While managing weight and heart health, getting plenty of exercise helps our body cope with the build up of everyday stress. During exercise, cortisol, a stress chemical is burnt off by the body. Moreover, the “feel good” chemicals produced in the body because of exercising elevate mood and make one feel happier. We can do some sports or activity we like and make it regularly. Adding exercise to our life may be easier than we think. We just need to add a simple move of our daily habit, choose to walk instead of using vehicles to school or work and use ladders instead of lifts. When we are hanging out with friends, go to swim, play basketball, or other fun healthy activity. On a date, try going dancing instead of going to a movie. Those are all simple and fun.

Last but not least, in order to work well, our body needs to rest well. Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing. Sleep helps to organize memories, solidify learning, and improve concentration. Proper sleep regulates mood as well. To get the full benefit of sleep, we have to get enough hours and be in a good sleep environment. Adults averagely need seven to eight hours sleep each day. Good sleep environment means good condition of our bedroom and our emotion. It is recommended that we sleep in a proper place which makes us comfortable. We also need to put away our worries n stresses of the day. It helps our body rest better. Having improper sleep can make us irritable and cranky, affecting our emotions, social interaction, and decision making. Sleep deprivation also affects motor skills. When we continuously do not get qualified sleep we need, we will begin to pay for it in daytime drowsiness, trouble concentrating, irritability, increased risk of falls and accidents, and lower productivity.

As we have seen, being healthy is very simple. It is about what and how we eat, how we move our body, and how we sleep. Creating a healthy lifestyle does not have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. Making simple, easy lifestyle changes can improve our health, life and work.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saya Kini Mahasiswa ep.1

Hai semuaaaaa....duh udah lama nih ga ngeblog...Lizopotamia-ku yang terlupakan...huhuhu
Setelah sekian lama hilang dari peradaban akibat sibuk sekolah, persiapan UAN, hingga persiapan SNMPTN, baru sekarang mulai muncul lagi.... Padahal dulu sempat banyak libur panjang setelah lulus SMA, tp entah kenapa mood untuk menulis ga ada.... Sementara di tengah kesibukan dunia perkuliahan sekarang malah pengen ngelanjutin blogging... *duh sebenernya waktunya ga tepat banget, sementara tugas masih numpuk >.<*
Yah, begini moody...hehe
Kalo lagi mood ajaaa apapun dikerjain.... Giliran lagi ga mood, jangan harap deh.... Hehe :P

Oh ya, seperti yang saya ungkapkan tadi, saya sekarang udah mahasiswa lho, bukan lagi anak SMA... ^^
Saya sekarang udah memulai perkuliahan di Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI).
Berikut saya mau cerita perjuangan saya masuk UI....hehe
Dulu, saya ga pernah kepikiran sama sekali bakal kuliah kedokteran gigi. Dari kecil, saya bercita-cita jadi dokter, kayaknya keren aja gitu bisa meriksa2 pasien n ngobatin orang :P
Namun,dengan beriringnya waktu, saya sempat membuang keinginan tersebut.

Ketika di SMP kelas 1 dan 2, saya juga sangat menyukai pelajaran biologi. Tetapi ketika kelas 3 SMP dan 1 SMA, saya bertemu guru biologi yang agak aneh cara mengajarnya *yang tidak perlu saya sebutkan namanya *kalo anak Xaverius 1 Jambi pasti tahu siapa :P*
Dia mengajar dengan metode kilat super cepat ala semau-mau dia sendiri. Ulangan juga tidak jelas sama sekali dengan beberapa jenis ulangan yang aneh. Tips bagi murid barunya: buatlah kesan pertama yang baik padanya maka seterusnya nilaimu akan aman sejahtera sampai kamu tidak diajar dia lagi, karena sekali nilai ulangan pertamamu bagus maka kau akan dikenal pintar dan ulangan2mu lainnya ga akan dia periksa dengan teliti dan akan langsung memberimu nilai bagus.
Tips bagi ulangan esai: mengarang indah hingga kertas ulangan terlihat penuh; tips untuk ulangan isian: hapalkan kumpulan soal dari anak les *tapi jangan jadi anak les :P*
Singkat kata, saya menjadi tidak tertarik lagi dengan pelajaran itu dan belajar biologi asal2an demi nilai. Bayangkan saja ia bisa menghajarmu dengan bahan 1 bab dalam 1 jam pelajaran.
Inti sebenarnya dari cerita itu, begitulah kronologis saya mulai membuang cita-cita menjadi dokter :P

Untunglah kelas 2 dan 3 SMA saya mendapatkan guru Biologi yang 'sedikit' lebih beres dari guru sebelumnya. Kenapa saya katakan 'sedikit'? Karena sebenarnya dia juga jauh dari beres :P
Tapi dari sana saya mulai melirik lagi pelajaran Biologi :)

Ketika kelas 2 SMA dan kelas 3 awal, saya sebenarnya sama sekali tidak mau lagi menjadi dokter. Bidang yang saya lirik justru ilmu-ilmu sosial, seperti Komunikasi, Hubungan Internasional, dan Manajemen. Sama sekali tak terbayang menjadi seorang dokter, apalagi dokter gigi.
Yang jelas, jurusan kedokteran sudah saya eliminasi dari pikiran karena saya berkeinginan kuliah di luar negeri, terutama Singapore. Yang saya lirik adalah bisnis dan komunikasi *mengingat gemarnya saya berbicara :P*
Saya sempat mengikuti tes seleksi masuk NTU, tp apa boleh buat saya tidak diterima.
Saya harus kembali pada kenyataan bahwa saya harus kuliah di Indonesia karena tidak sanggup membayar sendiri biaya hidup dan kuliah swasta di Singapore. Jika masuk NTU saya mungkin masih bisa mendapat Tuition Loan. Sebelum tes NTU, saya sempat iseng mengikuti wawancara masuk STIE Trisakti dan beruntung mendapatkannya. Jadi saya sudah ada cadangan bangku kuliah tanpa uang pangkal di jurusan Manajemen Trisakti.
Banyak orang berkata bahwa sangat disayangkan jika saya masuk Manajemen di Trisakti.
Sementara setelah saya konsultasi dengan berbagai pihak, memang semua tidak setuju dengan pilihan saya.
ya sudah saya mencoba mencari universitas yg menurut mereka 'pantas', saya melirik UI...ya saya tahu, masuk UI sangat sulit dan semua orang mengidamkannya....Datanglah saya mendaftar di program intensif SNMPTN di bimbel ternama di Jambi.
pertama-tama saya masih minatnya ke ranah2 sosial seperti HI atau manajemen...jadi saya mendaftar program IPS. Namun setelah membawa pulang buku2 ringkasan teori dan kumpulan soalnya....saya merasa drop...melihat soal2 ekonomi, sejarah, dan geografi yang sama sekali asing bagi anak ipa membuat saya shock berat dan merasa tidak nyaman. Hal itu benar2 di luar ranah saya, saya merasa kurang percaya diri dan akhirnya beberapa minggu kemudian kembali lg ke tempat bimbel itu untuk ganti program ke ipa... *saya daftar jauh2 hari*
Akhirnya saya mulai memikirkan cita2 saya terdahulu, yaitu menjadi seorang dokter...
yang ada di pikiran saya waktu itu hanyalah lebih baik saya dalami saja bidang yang terlanjur saya pelajari selama ini daripada harus memulai dari awal di bidang orang lain yang sama sekali asing bagi saya. Toh masa depan seorang dokter juga lebih baik.... *bersambung*