Friday, May 24, 2013


Is there any place more comfortable than home?

No matter how far you can go
No matter how beautiful one place is
No matter how luxurious other's house is
There is no place more homey and comfy than our own home

There's no other place like home

There's no place better than home

But where should one go home if they don't have any home?
They'll be like me, clinging around from one place to another,
from someone else's home to another's
Trying to have a temporary home

That's not home
Sometimes I feel lost
I want my own home
I miss my true home

Friday, May 17, 2013

Love is

Love is...

When I already know
how moody u are,
how hard u are to handle,
how cold u can be,
how annoying u are sometimes
how ugly u are in the morning,

but i still want u in my life.