Saturday, June 28, 2008

Icinen - The Power of Mind

Wah long time no writing blogs...So busy and lazy recently..Hahaha..Ok this is next post, hope can help :)

This is the way how to live in this universe...
It's a big secret i share to u...
Only 1 thing...YOUR MIND.

Remember about aladin with the magic lamp?? Yeah, the genie said, "Your wish is my command"... Then what aladin wants would be granted by the genie
It's an illustration between human beings and the universe... Aladin refers to us, the genie refers to the universe. Hence, whatever our wishes are, will be granted by this universe.

Generally, people don't realize that they always send bad wishes n thoughts to the universe... Thus, according to the law 'your wish is my command', all bad thoughts n all fears of ours become realities...Huff...What a jerk, right??
This law is called THE ATTRACTION LAW. Anything u think about, unintentionally, has been a magnet that attracts identic things to u...
So, it's about our minds.
For example, a guy who always got his credit card bill in his mailbox kept thinking about his unability to pay his bill every month. He always upset everytime he got the bill. He always feared he couldn't pay his debt...
Let's see this, unintentionally, he had sent bad attracts through the universe... He just thought about his fear, his unwillingness. This is the key, he needs to change his thinking pattern... Universe just scans positive/affirmative wishes. So whatever we think, if it's in negative form, universe just transforms it into affirmative form. Simply, if u think, "I hope that i won't get bad marks", u have transferred a suggestion to the universe that u wanna get bad marks. Therefore, ur fear will come true.
So that after the guy above changed his mind pattern, he finally got out of his financial problems.
All he did just asking himself why he had to receive a payment bill everymonth? Why not checks?? Hmm..Then everyday he imagined that he got a check everymonth in his mailbox. Guess what?? Not untill a year, he had been freed from all his debts and got monthly checks in his mailbox from his clients *he is a contractor*.

See? All things in our life are as simple as we think and as complicated as we contemplate...
Remember, universe doesn't response instantly, need time. So, we need to be patient. We also have to focus our will, no doubt at all. Trust it will happen some day. Whatever, wanna be a billionaire or free from serious desease are about in our mind...Everything is possible. No doubt, keep dreaming ^^
All we need to do is just having a positive thinking, not a negative one, because it might come true...Watch out!! ^_~

nb: i got this knowledge from thy religion *Niciren Syosyu*--- icinen...And from The Secret--- Mic's dvd, i watched it together with Fiona n Michael at Fio's house =p and i can recommend Mic this because i heard from ce Siska..Haha..So long journey =p
btw i dedicate this writing to Erin...I've promised her to write about this.--- she seemed to be so interested when i told her about this secret..Hehe


S!S_KA said...

I never leave any comment in anyone's blogs..
In other words..this's the first..
Only for one of my best frenz...=p

Back to the topic...
I was really impressed when i read this article...
I think her english is pretty good..hahaha...but i know it's not you want from me to give comment..

ok..refer to what you wrote...
maybe..i can share little thing..

I don't know many people have this or not..
I often have some signs to what i get for the next...
It's a kind of good or bad feeling..
My life has full of imagination what will happen 4 the next..
It give impact that i'm in the habit of thinking how it will be...
Not too long.. it creates a strong feeling...
and all the things always happen like what i feel..

That means you're not only what you think..but you're what you feel..

Hence, if we are in the bad mood..
you have to solve it soon..
dont make ur feeling go deeper and deeper in the frustation...just
listen to music you like...or think of people you love...


Anonymous said...

Thx 4 my lovely cc2an..Hehe
i do appreciate ur reading my blog n ur leaving me c0mments..^^
hix2..I'm touched..T.T
About ur feeling menti0ned above, i think u have such sixth sense or s0mething like that maybe...Hahaha
and i agree about bad m0od should be put away as s0on as possible..Coz bad feel becomes negative thought, then causes bad luck for us..Hehehe